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Request Credit File Pull

This webhook is enabled when an integration with “Credit Pull” capability is created, and enabled for the retailer. The webhook will be sent if an FM requests a credit file in the process of creating an application through the integration. The integration after receiving this webhook would fetch the credit file using the provided payload and then submit the credit file to credit app using the Create a credit file endpoint or report failure in fetching credit file using Report failure in fetching credit file endpoint

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the following properties:

  • retailerId (string, required): The ID of the retailer that enabled the integration.
  • configJson (string, required): stringified JSON object containing the result of the configuration for the integration.
  • applicantId (string, required): unique identifier of the applicant,
  • applicationId (string, required): application Id,
  • integrationId (string, required): integration Id,
  • requestId (string, required): unique id for this request,
  • firstName (string, required): applicants first name,
  • middleName (string, optional): applicants middle name,
  • lastName (string, required): applicants last name,
  • dateOfBirth (string, required): applicants date of birth,
  • sin (string, optional): applicants SIN,
  • phoneNumber (string, required): applicants phone number,
  • email (string, required): applicants email,
  • streetNo (string, required): applicants current address street number,
  • streetName (string, required): applicants current address street name,
  • city (string, required): applicants current address city,
  • province (string, required): applicants current address province,
  • postalCode (string, required): applicants current address postalCode,
  • addressHistory (object, optional): item.addressHistory,
  • employmentHistory (object, optional): item.employmentHistory,

Example Request Body

"retailerId": "b8804f10-19f4-4bd7-aa4a-f2c82891d30d",
"configJson": {
"token": "some requested item"
"applicantId": "c5fafbd4-c6bd-410f-8e16-0d721c9498e3",
"applicationId": "c6e25570-2d0a-4cf5-812e-459a5ffb4934",
"integrationId": "a007e8ef-932f-4036-ae24-6d404b34a6c6",
"requestId": "3c96b2b3-7498-48dc-910c-0d74f0439540",
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "Mike",
"lastName": "Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "1990-08-28",
"sin": "111111111",
"phoneNumber": "1111111111",
"email": "",
"province": "BC",
"postalCode": "T2T2T2",
"addressHistory": [
"addressType": "STREET",
"apartmentSuite": "111",
"city": "Prince Rupert",
"direction": null,
"id": "d566bab2-fd1f-4ab8-a664-4bc84074e1f9",
"monthlyRentOrMortgage": {
"amount": 500,
"currency": "CAD"
"monthsAtAddress": 0,
"pOBoxNumber": "",
"postalCode": "T2T2T2",
"province": "BC",
"residenceType": "RENT",
"searchAddress": "",
"streetName": "Kootenay",
"streetNo": "1111",
"streetType": "Ave",
"yearsAtAddress": 2
"employmentHistory": [
"additionalIncomeSources": [],
"apartmentSuite": "A",
"city": "Abbotsford",
"direction": null,
"employerName": "SampleEmployer Inc.",
"employmentPhone": "1111111111",
"frequency": "WEEKLY",
"grossIncome": {
"amount": 217,
"currency": "CAD"
"id": "a5436610-40e6-4dad-879a-b65802ed69b5",
"monthsWorked": 10,
"occupation": "some sample occupation",
"postalCode": "T2T2T2",
"province": "BC",
"status": "RETIRED",
"streetName": "the name",
"streetNo": "1111",
"streetType": "Way",
"type": "LABOURER",
"yearsWorked": 28